Please rest assured that with Aspire you are in safe hands in relation to these changes. We are proactively taking steps now to protect your interests, as follows.
See the Residential Tenancy Authority Summary of Rental Law Changes here.
The below additional information is provided directly by the REIQ as its summary of the legislative changes. For more information, please see below and the following links to REIQ Factsheets.
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld) (the RTRA Act) which governs residential tenancies in Queensland has been amended by the Queensland Government. Although some of the changes came into effect on assent on 20 October 2021, there are significant changes coming into effect on 1 October 2022.
Property Managers and their lessors may need to take steps leading up to the changes including changing internal processes and resources to make sure they are compliant with the new tenancy laws.
Some of the most critical changes relate to:
Ending Tenancies
Nominated Repairers & Repair Orders
Pet Approvals & Refusals
Minimum Housing Standards
Maximum Spend Limit For Emergency Repair
Other Changes
This will be for pre-approval for agent to administer payment of 4 weeks rent for emergency repairs.
Aspire is now issuing a Form 12, Notice to Leave with every Lease Renewal offer provided to a tenant.
These laws will affect the management of your rental property and we encourage you to be informed.
Aspire Property Management provides management services as licensed real estate professionals that comply with the requirements of the Queensland Rental Law Reform.