03 Apr National Parks closed to stop the spread
If you were planning on visiting Noosa National Park over the Easter break, you will have to rethink your plans. As of Friday 3rd April, national parks across the state will be closed.
National parks and recreational areas have been forced to close after the public failed to adhere to social distancing practices. The Department of Environment and Science has said “Compliance with the closure will be monitored and penalties may apply for noncompliance.”
It is important that residence don’t attempt to enter closed national parks, and stick to government advice by staying home unless conducting permitted tasks, such as buying groceries or obtaining medical treatment.
What areas are closing;
- Noosa National Park
- Laguna Lookout
- Mount Coolum
- Cooloola Recreation Area
- Teewah Beach
- Double Island Point
This comes after all camping and visitor centres where closed across Queensland on March 26th.
You can view the full list of parks and recreation areas that are effected here.