Queensland Travel Restrictions Lifting

Welcome back to Noosa! 

The Queensland Premier has recently announced the plan to start to lift travel restrictions in Queensland for Queensland residents.

The Premier has stated that effective Saturday 13 June, holiday travel within ‘your region’ will be permissible.

“All things going well, from June school holidays, Queenslanders will be able to drive and stay at accommodation for the first time since the pandemic hit.

“This is when we want people to be able to take a drive holiday within their region,” the Premier said.

It is likely that the relaxation will come with a range of operational requirements, yet to be confirmed, and with which we will have to comply, in order to continue to ensure public health and safety.

It is unknown at this stage when Queensland will allow a relaxation on interstate travel.

We will be keeping you up to date on when we can welcome back interstate guests.

If you’re a Queensland resident who’d like to book accommodation in Noosa or Sunshine Beach you can head to our holiday accommodation brands https://www.noosaluxuryholidays.com.au/ and https://www.sunshinebeachaccommodation.com.au/ to find the perfect property for your stay.